How much $ ?
There is somebody who wants me to create a website for them. I have absolutely no experience in this. I've made this plainly clear to the person, however, I'm the only computer oriented person that they know. Basically, I'll start by reading an html book and learn as I go along. So, how much should I charge for this? I anticipate that it'll be a small website with less than 10 pages at most. Do I charge a setup fee for creating the site, and a monthly fee for updating it? I expect that I'll have to update it fairly frequently, as this person is a musician, and one of the purposes of the site it to state where and when he'll be playing.
I would also appreciate any tips on where to register the site, and where to host it. I was looking at godaddy's option but the lower tiered plans put a cap on the bandwidth, would 2 GB a month be enough?
Last edited by mrap1; 11-25-2003 at 07:52 PM..