Originally posted by UnlikedOne
I've barely left Ohio in my life, and i know there is a whole world out there...I'd love to see more of it soon, and I think this might be the best way to do it.
All I'm trying to say is that if you want to experience the world, you have to immerse yourself in the culture that your visiting. Push bigotry and racism aside and accept your surroundings while your on the road. Geting hooked up in a mob of one-eyed, europassed, contikifiled "Backpackers" just seems a compleate waste of a potentially awsome experience.
Not to say that joing the mob wouldn't be fun, as I have been there too, but my greatest memories are of those times when I felt compleatly alone in a foriegn country only to find dearest friends and the most beautiful things in unlikely places.
Enjoy it all, but remember why your there.