Why do guys always hold things in and tell you after the fact?
It goes both ways... Also, you can't generalize the sexes like that. Just because some guys are cheating scumbags doesn't mean that all are. And just because some girls are unfeeling flakes does not mean that we all are.
My dear Jesus Pimp... It is so hard to answer your questions without more background information. Maybe she's scared. I know I tend to hold back my true feelings sometimes because I'm scared of how the other person would react. I had a crush on a good friend of mine but I never told him how I felt. Then a year later he tells me that he had a crush on me. Of course it was all too late but there it is. If I had told him maybe something would have happened. Or maybe he would have freaked out and I would end up hurt.
Absence is to love what wind is to fire. It extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great.