I met Jack Nicholson at Tires Inc when he was filming About Schmidt. I was on my way to off campus PE and I got a flat.
I met Matthew Broderick while filming Election. I was an extra.
I met all of NoFX. Big whoop, I don't even like them.
I met Bad Religion- my mom was asking them if they had seen me.
I met Reel Big Fish- lead singer's fish is not real big- he was coming out of the pool at the DoubleTree.
I met Jeremy Roenick once. I was mad at him for going to the Phoenix Cyotes, though, so I didn't say anything nice or ask for an autograph.
I once ALMOST met John Cleese, my future husband. I saw him in New York City, and tried to run after him. It failed. At least, I think that was him...
You don't know from fun.