I'm really enjoying 3rd ed. D&D- have a great group of guys i play with. Waiting to see what's up with 3.5.
Have played, and liked Rifts. Had a great GM.
Have played, and liked Werewolf and Vampire. Have thus far avoided live-action. Will hopefully continue to do so.
Have played and disliked Battletech. Had unimaginitive GM.
Have played and loved Shadowrun. GREAT game for future sci-fi/fantasy mix.
Own but have never played a Tank Girl box set by World's End... they did Star Wars rpg, didn't they? Anyone familiar with the system?
I, too am finding that our games have become more and more focused on the socialising, but we still play.
Still like being the token girl of groups. I tend to be the first healed. hehe.
Wickedness is a myth invented by good people to explain the curious attractiveness of others.
-Oscar Wilde.