uncle phil: No, I really DO care, I just don't give a rats ass.
rockogre: IF I gave a rats ass...I might give it to YOU...but I
just don't give a rats ass. Fixated? Normal? Sounds
like you think I give a rats ass. (I don't)
Go_AVS: It's not the actual "giving" of the ass of the rat, per
se, some would opine it is a figure of speech. But,
confidentially... well, you may guess how I feel about it.
GOdd3ss: Listen to yourself...where, in the name of all that is
sane, did I say:"give to the rat's ass?" I said: "I
D O N T G I V E A R A T S A S S" ( Though, in
the spirit of your reply, size COULD be a factor.)
Hail to ALL the troops and shadow warriors.