Confirmed: Farscape Miniseries on the Way!
The rumors are true...
November 14, 2003 - As IGN FilmForce reported back in July, a new Farscape project is finally on its way. While an official announcement was postponed earlier this week, IGN FilmForce has learned that the production office in Australia has re-opened and work has begun on a new project.
The Henson company would not comment on the information but a source close to the production has confirmed that the new project will be a miniseries, not a new season as originally hoped for by the fans. While no plot details are available, sources have also confirmed that the new project will be independent from the Sci-Fi Channel, the network that broadcast the series. No information is currently available about just where the new miniseries will be appearing or when.
Obviously, this is good news for the fans that have fought so hard to bring the series back but there may be cause for guarded optimism. The miniseries is currently seen as a standalone project with no new episode commitment attached, so nothing is guaranteed beyond this project. More information as it becomes available right here at IGNFF.
Unfortunately, it's not a new season, but hopefully, this will bring closure to a great series.