I normally don't discuss Israel-Palestine, but this thread is particularly civil and I'll add my two cents.
I think that the problem in that region is due to the extremism on both sides, and the anger generated by the other side's extremism perpetuates extremism on the other side. I see no natural end to this spiral.
Ideally, I would like to see the comprimise-minded people of both sides reject extremism. Although I have always supported the two-state solution, I wonder if a single nation, with a limited government would be better. True, Israel would lose their "Jewish State," so perhaps the single nation could be divided into two states, each with a lot of influence. It would be like the United States back when the States had more power then the Federal Govt.
Realistically, I don't think the moderates are going to be able to effectively join hands and eliminate extremism. I think that, practically speaking, the UN should go in and arrest the extremists on both sides. They could be tried for crimes against humanity or whatever.