Originally posted by BuddyHawks
Did anyone else get goosebumbs when the Logos broke the clouds and they saw the sun? Great scene!
Oh MAN that was cool. The way that scene was paced was just brilliant. She's climbing, under heavy attack, pulling up hard, lightning starts zapping the ship, sentinels start falling off, and then.... silence, blue sky, the sun. Light climbs her face, dances there for a second as the ship stalls out. She whispers, "Beautiful." And then they're falling.. Right back down into Hell. GORGEOUS scene.
Originally posted by CSflim
So when Neo allowed himself to be taken over by Smith, a similar thing happened....EXCEPT, Neo was jacked directly into the "uber-machine" (didn't catch its name if there was one), so that meant Smith was also directly attached to the machine, alowing them to do some anti-virus magic, and get rid of Smith and all of the others.
That was my read too. It wasn't that Neo cancelled Smith, but that by sacrificing himself to Smith, he opened Smith up to attack from That Spikey Thing (don't think we heard a name).
People seem to have missed the (ahem) extent to which Smith had taken over The Matrix, by the way. All those buildings they're flying around during the fight had leeelte eeety beeety Smiths in all the windows.... Everything--human and program--had been taken over.