I have mixed feelings about this. I don't think they should have rushed into war. However, I can't help feel it isn't a total lost cause, especially after reading about how they found that mass grave the other day.
I do think there were other countries which presented more of a threat than Iraq. I think they either chose to invade Iraq because the seemingly easy win would be good for our morale, or else they chose to invade because Iraq would be a good place for military bases to focus on other areas in the region.
I am now going to run out of this thread before it explodes.
*edit- I forgot to add that I think we are in there for reasons other than the reasons Bush gave. I'd feel better if he was upfront wih their intentions. Okay, I am going to run out of this thread again. I'm always a bit fearful to post in Politics. It gets really hot around here sometimes!
Last edited by anleja; 11-09-2003 at 09:15 PM..