awesome response
But yeah just to elaborate I wasn't saying im all "spock" style with my logic, I do have emotions, but i've worked very hard to control how I present myself. The key is logic, in my opinion.
I look at what my "emotion" is telling me to do, (potentials) be angry, be sad, be happy.
I then think of what will come of these actions, and if they are really worth indulging (potentials) be taken seriously, be pittied, spread a good mood.
there is a problem with my self control though, it does cause me to be very manipulative without even trying.
Because I dont indulge in natural emotion unless its too intense to be controlled, or unless there is something to benifet me or someone I wish to share a benifet.
I choose to be in a happy mood most of the time, even though I may not really be as happy as I seem.
People no doubt will attempt to logically reduce these questions.
I get up in the morning to go to work. I work to get money, I need money to eat, I need to eat to survive etc etc.
But why do any of this?
because its kinda hard to get out of the loop of commercial slavery (yes, the labor market is voluntary slavery if you think about the big picture)
plus if you dont do any of this, you die, since most people fear the unknown, they conform so they do not die
Fear (emotion) the Unknown (logic)
emotion and logic are both tied up in a nice package there, both the logical and emotional, do not want to die. simply because one is either afraid, or uncertain.
I think this thread might get pretty interesting.