What kind of car do you drive? For the most part, today's cars are pretty reliable that way. Just as a thought, you might want to change the plugs and wires anyway, just as preventative maintanence, but I definitely would not call it a must-do before the trip. However, DO check your belt/s, check ALL fluid levels, including transmission, radiator, power steering, & engine oil. Check tire pressures...these are absolutely critical to long tire life and increased fuel mileage. Not to mention handling. Other than that, I wouldn't worry to much, really. Be safe on your trip, and have fun!
P.S. To be honest, a 4.5 hour trip isn't something to really get worked up about. Three hundred miles isn't a stress to a motor at all, nor the operating parts. However, you DO still want the car in good operating condition, and doing the things I mentioned above will do just that.
Now, if you're going on a 3500 mile round trip...that's a biggie. Still not a stress to the car, but if you're not careful in prep, it could present a new batch of problems if you don't stop except to piss and for fuel, like me! A couple years ago, we ran to Denver...some 1200 miles from where we lived...in about 16 hours...and didn't stop but three times. Twice for gas, and one extra piss stop.
Generally speaking, if you were to get what you really deserve, you might be unpleasantly surprised.