I like the choice as well.
The offseason will need to be eventful for the Orioles, however if they think they can turn the club around. The Orioles lack (and in fact traded away) the best commodity in baseball - young pitching.
While everyone is talking Vlad Garrero, I'd much rather see a Bartolo Colon and a another guy of his ilk for the money.
Lee Mazzilli is gonna need to be a god to get production out of this bunch in the outfield, however. Here is who the Orioles are currently carrying: Larry Bigbie, Jack Cust, Jay Gibbons, Luis Matos, Melvin Mora, and Tim Raines. I guess after reading those names its easy to see why Baltimore fans are pushing for a slugger. I just think that you need a couple of more pitchers if you are carrying Kurt "Hurt" Ainsworth and Omar "Up and Down" Daal. Jorge Julio has a future as a closer, perhaps.
In short the Orioles need to have the eventful offseason, djtestudo. They certainly have the fanbase and the money, so Mazzilli will have no excuses - just like Grover had none.