Noticing that Eldaire seemed to be fleeing from the battle, the young man quickly took off for the base of the mountain.
He swiftly passed the two opponents still remaining at the original site of battle.
"Coward..." he thought to himself, "What kind of man runs to the hills at the start of the battle? We'll see how he runs after i get hold of him."
Again using his god-like speed, the young man began to traverse the rocky side of the mountain, bouncing from boulder to the next, until he was caught up with Eldaire.
Timing his motions just right, the young man was able to jump right in front of his moving opponent, getting a wide-eyed stare of surprise from Eldaire as a reaction.
They both stopped, nearly 500ft up the mountain, and stared at each other.
"Why run fighter? Why not show me your skills with that medieval trash sword you carry." the young man taunted, as he drew his own sleek katana from its sheath, holding it closely to his side, preparing for battle.