Originally posted by filtherton
Terrorism is the greatest threat to american lives? I think not. Terrorism is only the most dramatic threat to the living. Smoking cigarettes is a greater threat to american life than OBL and his rough and tumble gang of misfits. According to imentalhealth.com 440,000 deaths are linked to the use of tobacco products annually. Considering estimates of the hiroshima death toll range between 42,000 and 130,000 it would take at least three or four nuclear bombs being detonated in major metropolitan areas to equal the amount of people who are killed from cigarette smoke each year. Your "islamotastical" friends would have to have a pretty productive year to pull in numbers like that.
Cigarettes are a secret islamofascist communist weapon. So are SUV's and PCB's and fires in California.
Alright in all seriousness I agree with Mac Heath on this one. Islamic fundamentalism isn't quite the same as communism et al. It is a threat to our security maybe, but not a threat to our ideals. I don't see the majority of muslims jumping over to being fanatics. I used to be impressed with Wesley Clark until he decided to run. Its been one disappointment after another the way he has flip-flopped on things. He may still have a better run than some of the others.