Originally posted by Hanxter
i would hope that what you did was in fact merited - however - if not, you lied.
you may very well have ruined this persons life, and for that, you should be punished to the full extent of the law. you slandered this person and took away his freedom. you acted as judge, jury and hangman.
may i suggest that you pull them all down and place a notice in the local paper that your action was in fact a lie and that this person was the front for a very malicious act.
i feel sorry for you.
Why should he be punished by the law? He does regret his decision, doesnt he? Laws are merely a creation of society and they're only there to ensure the security of those living in it. They're not there to punish. We don't put people in prisons to punish them but to prevent them from doing harm to other people in society (well, that's how at least it was intended to be). He did act impulsively, but since he regrets it and wouldnt do it again if the situation arose, he should be forgiven. You don't get to judge what should be done to him. If you don't think he payed the fair price by feeling the guilt for the actions he's done, well there's karma to take care of things. You acuse him of acting as judge, jury and hangman. Yet, NOBODY (human anyway) should be given the power of judging an other human being. I don't see how it's different to have society (which is a human invention too) act as judge, jury and hangman. As far as I see things, laws are just the judgement of other humans on this human. How is this better?
The way I've always seen it, laws don't always mean good. I don't know why people always associate laws with good. Laws are made by humans, and because we are not perfect, our inventions aren't either. That's why there lawyers in today's society. We shouldn't need lawyers, but because the system is so fucked up, we do. Laws are like the big kid in the school yard. Because he's the strongest kid there, and is somewhat fair in his judgement, people respect him and go by his rules. That doesn't mean he's good though.