Angel, don't these things normally have some sort of trigger? AFAIK, they do (but i don't know much)... Anyway, as opposed to taking medication, it might be worthwhile to strictly test any new food/item/exercise/route/whatever that you've taken up recently.
Sit down, take out a pen and paper, and write down _anything_ new that you've started doing recently that either you used to do, or are doing out of the blue. Ask your friends out for help. Once you've got the list, try eliminating one thing, whilst still maintaining everything else for a few days. If that doesnt stop them, restart doing whatever you stopped, and try eliminating another thing, etc.
That method could be a problem with an obscure trigger... can the be obscure?(such as eating yogurt, then getting into a car) or are they specific? (such as many people close to you?)
Hopefully they are specific, so hence should be easier to detect and stop.
I used to suffer from panic attacks too... although a much more tamer version. Mine was a fear of a bridge falling down while i was on it, which meant that i used to freak if i had to go over a bridge. I stopped it by walking over the harbour bridge and back again. It was a very long and scary trip, but by halfway through the return trip, i realised that if the bridge was going to fall, it would have already, and now the fear and associated panic attacks are no longer there =).