I was very bad in my organisation, shocking in fact! I was always missing appointments, forgetting dates for schoolwork and just generally feeling like I was going nowhere, till I got organised.
I got a diary/organiser/planner whatever you want to call it. And took it everywhere, and put important dates on my calendar as well.
I also set goals for myself, in four differnt catergories:
* Today - which is just a few key things I want/have to get done, even I've I dont do all I'm happy if I've completed one or two.
* Month - specific things that I would like to achive by the end of the month, often with a bit of a plan as to how to achive them.
* Year - fairlly specific goals that I would like to achive.
* Decade - I'm young so I'm starting to really think long term this helps keep me on track with where I wont to go in life. These objectives are very generall.
For example to be healthy is a big obejective (decade) for me. So this year I said I want to lose 'x' amount of weight and start eating a bit healthier. This month I've set the goal of losing another 2-5 kg's and visiting a dietitian for some advice on my diet. So then eacy day I say ok I need to go for a bike ride or a swim I have to call to make an appointment.
Hope that helps sandeep. Most importantlly find what works for you, my sister tried to follow my lead but she is a very spontaneous person and felt restricted by all the structure of goals and things, so she setlles for small organiser with her vital dates and appointments.