Originally posted by sta500
Those of you who said they were just checking out what houses to hit - you're just assholes. That's totally stereotypical, and put yourself in their position: There's a fucking hugeass fire around you and you're immersed in smoke and heat. Are you going to check out the stereo system or silver? No.
If having common sense makes me an asshole, so be it.
People who committed a crime and got thrown in jail are--now make sure you're sitting down here because this is a real shocker--most likely going to be more predisposed to committing crimes than the general population. Is that discrimination? You betcha! Anything wrong with that? Nope.
And no, I don't think they'd be looting houses in the middle of a fire. And even if they did, it'd be pretty hard to sneak a TV back into jail. We're talking about what they do after they get out from their reduced prison sentences.