The problem here is that under the constitution nambla and the klan are protected. You can't blame the aclu for that. Write your congressperson. If you really want to shut down organizations that you don't agree with than do something about it. Don't just sit here and blame the aclu for doing what the aclu is supposed to do.
This isn't about nambla or the klan being "evil" organizations, this is about whether the constitution should apply to everyone behaving in a legal manner, across the board, regardless of whether society agrees with their goals.
I know many on the tfp are avid right to bear arms folks. How can you support the second amendment right to bear arms and not support nambla's right to free expression of their ideas? Surely the right to bear arms could be legislated away quite easily in many states. The message is that the constitution is the gospel when it comes to me and my guns, but when it comes to protecting the free speech of those who appall me the constitution is meaningless. You can't have it both ways.
The argument, "But, THEY"RE PEDOPHILES!!" isn't relevant, this is a constitutional issue and the constitution doesn't care about their cause as long as they are acting legally.