Got a letter from my homeowner's association yesterday, telling me to remove some items that were on my property OR ELSE!
The items in question were tucked in next to my house and could not be seen easily from the street. One of my "wonderful" neighbors turned me in to the Gestapo. It's too bad I can't find out who did this to me. If I had the money, I'd take it to court to see if I could get the name revealed, but, I know it's a losing cause. Like terrorist hot lines and other such anonymous tattling, they're protected.
I HATE MY FUCKING NEIGHBORS. Now, I have to hate them ALL since I don't know who turned me in. Let the hating begin!
I did write a letter to the homeowner's association requesting the name of the person who turned me in and instructions on how to dismantle the association, but, my wife wouldn't let me send it. Bitch!

I also thanked them for reminding to throw out one of the items since I had forgot to do so the past couple of weeks.