Originally posted by numberfive
Ok so now you're going to tell me what I implied? Right. I don't even understand why you keep coming back anyways. You know there is better rap out there so now you know why it exists. Unless you happened to check out the people K-Wise mentioned and thought they were crap too.
One more thing:
"I don't get why you said all rock is trash in a rap-bashing thread"
"I don't see the point in saying all rock is trash in a rap-bashing thread"
"I don't get it"
So no, not getting it and not getting why are not the same thing, they're not even close. If you can't understand that then I suggest you stick to rock, you might not get the deeper lyrics good rap has to offer.
Yet you're telling me what I know? Gotcha, thanks. And the way you worded all of what you said did seem like you were saying I didn't get it in a sense, unless I misinterpreted it. Why do I keep coming back you ask? For one, I started the thread in the first place therefore I'm gonna come back regardless of what you say. Number two, as I said opinions are so much fun, and i'll continue to debate these things. Three, I don't "know" that there is better rap out there, if you recall I changed my arguement to my hatred for gangsta rap, or did you forget to read that? I could go on and on about this, but I won't I can save that for later time, fact of the matter is this: I don't like gangsta rap, I never will like gangsta rap, and as far as I'm concerned, I probably will never like any rap in general. Why? Not because of gangsta rap ruining my thoughts on rap if thats what you're thinking, but rap just isn't my type of music. I've tried listening to rap before and it's like trying to listen to country, I just can't, it's impossible. So I will stick to rock, numberfive, and why? Because I find it easier to listen to than rap. To each his own, I guess.
One more thing:
"I don't see the point in this post."
"You must be pretty dense not to get why I posted this."
"Didn't say I didn't get it, said I didn't see the point."
See my point yet, numberfive?
Until we meet again. . .