Logging and thinning aren't dirty words. I know we need lumber and paper. But some people go about it the wrong way.
I have seen real forest fires in person, I have participated in setting up controlled burns in my region.
It's easy to tell what tress burn and which ones don't Eucalyptice trees don't burn easily, they are very high in water content.
Some hard wood tree's burn fairly easily, dead trees, including houses burn very easily because of low moisture content.
The reason one section of a forest burns while another is "barely singed" is because that is most likely a different type of tree with high moisture content that prevented it from getting damaged.
Personally I think you know nothing about Forests and forest fires as well. Our difference is you show a lack of knowledge, or unwillingness to admit to why a forest fire does what it does to communities.
Take the link in the chain that connects forests to towns and you have removed the problem 90% of the time. That link is forest abutting developments.