I am no environmentalist major, but the facts i have seen, simply put, show that "global warming" as we know it, is nothing but a bunch of political BS. Yes, there is global warming. No, it is not our fault. Yes, it will go back. The planet naturally has temperature shifts. Remember the Ice Age...we weren't around and yet the planet got warmer. You want to blame that on the Industrial Revolution? No....these things are naturally occuring, and will continue to fluctuate long after we are gone from this planet. When one decent volcanic erruption will put out more greenhouse gasses than humans have produced, in total, since the industrial revolution....i have a hard time believing that we are making anywhere near as big of an impact as politicians want us to believe. I find it extremely arrogant to think we can make that large of an impact on the planet that fast, without thinking at all about what happens by itself in nature.
Dont cry kid, It's not your fault you suck.