well if you are left handed ill tell ya what ya need. find an Ithica Model 73 Featherlight. It loades and ejects straight down. So you dont have hulls flying out in front of your face when you are shooting. Its a pump thats a great hunting or skeet gun in any cal. i love my 20ga. while not the most ubertactacal gun out there, its perfect for any southpaw
as for others...870s are supurb weapons. i want one. mossburg 500 or 590s just as nice. both have different controls. as for longeativy i go again Aesik...mossy's are rugged as hell IMHO. we beat on my friends all the time hell it doesnt even get any sort of sock or case when it gets thrown into the trunk and it stays there 24/7. 870s are fine guns, mossies, or winchester 1100's.
i really recomend Ithica's for lefties tho
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