so far most people that get to a new article that is linked and not posted take care of that themselves, or so I've noticed.
I always try to be fair when giving criticism. Dunno if I succeed in it, hope I do.
As for bringing people to the TFP, so far I've gotten a couple of people here, and I generally don't mind them reading what I post here. They are friends, and read alot of disturbing things on the web, doesn't matter if I make the post or not
As far as impressions: I would have to say you are somewhat reaching your limit of what you can do to make it a better place man. It's a tight ship overall. Good organisation, an active team of mods and most of the time a mature crowd of boardees/tiltees/whatever that post around here.
Plus there is a plethora (I learned a new word today
) of fora (and now I'm even rhyming
) for every possible subject. I think the way you can make this a better place it perhaps by the hardest way of all: keeping it up the way it is at the moment.
Thank you to you, all the admins and all the mods.