I think it asbolutely simply a means to the goal we disagree on....on most issues. One side believes that they are the correct way to get to that end, and the other side believes that those same beliefs will lead us all to eternal damnation. But the fact of the matter is, there is no "right" way to do it. If there were, we would not have people backing up the wrong side. Neither side knows for FACT that their ideas will lead to a better end. We simply have to try it to find out.
On other issues we totally disagree on what teh end should be. Take abortion for example. The means isn't the issue, the end is. Take healthcare. We would all like everyone to be able to have some form of healthcare, but there is a bitter argument over how. For the most part, i think both sides agree on the end result..which is ok. As long as we know where we want to go, there is only one way to find out if we are going the right way to that end....trial and error.
One could also argue that it is not a matter of parties disagreeing on the end or the means, but rather that one side is only concentrating on the end, without thinking much about their means. While the other side is more worryied about how they are getting there than where they are going. Again, take your healthcare example. The leftmost side of the country seems to believe that government should take care of us. Frankly, i haven't heard a very good explanation of teh how...where the money is coming from, who is going to do it, etc. In my opinion, they seem to be more focused on the goal than how to acheive it. The conservatives seem to want to give us all healthcare as well. But they seem to be caught up on who and how they get it, where the money comes from, the regulations involved, etc...all the hows. But they aren't always looking far enough toward the end goal to really see where its taking them.
I know this was little more than observations, but it seems like *in general* most people have the same vision for where this country should be going.
Dont cry kid, It's not your fault you suck.