I used to be VERY careful to NEVER throw my butts on the ground. I always knocked off the cherry, stomped that, then disposed of the butt however possible. But, after nearly lighting myself and my car on fire Lord knows how many times, I've given up. If I'm smoking a cigar, it goes in the ashtray, but for cigarettes, it's right out the window. If available, I will use a cup or bottle...but if it spills nasty cigarette water (gotta have a little water to put out the embers), then my car stinks for daaaaays (of course, leaving the butt in the ashtray does that too).
I was very unsure of this process, until I noticed that most cops that smoke ash out the window, and some dispose of butts that way, as well. And as far as dropping them on sidewalks, I noticed that all of the maintenance/cleaning crew at school throws their's down, and they're the ones that have to clean the place!
With that said, I am conscious of certain situations in which it is VERY inappropriate to throw the butts on the ground, and as such, I dispose of them properly. And I use the ashtrays outside buildings whenever possible.
it's all about self-indulgence