No two animals are the same. I've known people who can do the same thing with dogs and they don't do any damage either. They just walk out the doggy door and walk back in. I think it depends on the animal you have. I'm sure certain cat breeds are more prone to diseases than other cat breeds as is the same with dogs. I'm sure if the cat could he'd fight to the death for your life too. Never said they weren't loving or anything least I don't think I did. I just pointed out some of the things people say about dogs that aren't true with all dogs and are true with some cats. Picking them soley because of those reasons is being a little close minded wouldn't ya think? I mean all the reasons why people don't like Dogs is because you have to actually CARE for a dog. I just think thats a rather lazy and irresponsible reason. I mean thinking about it even a fish prolly holds more responsibility than a cat. How old is your Retriever? They're great family dogs....really smart. We could use a cat for these little fuckin mice that keep runnin round the house. Used to have a bunch. Only one I really became attatched to was this adorable kitten I used to have named Amber. She was furry and um redish color to the hair with white streaks in it.....I don't know cat breeds :-\ We all loved that one though she was very loving. She would climb on us and sleep on us. I think some bitch stole her though.
"I love music and it's my parents fault (closing statement)." - Me..quoting myself...from when I said that...On TFP..thats here...Tilted Forum Project
It ain't goodbye, it's see ya later! I'll miss you guys!  - Asta!!