A complete Nothingness. How did it make you feel? I've had times where I've been in COMPLETE Serenity. When like that... I feel like silence is everywhere.. though all of me.. even if people are making noises in the background. I'll have to think about this again when I get home. Thank you VERY much for trying to describe it more.
Flesh: Yeah from a simple view he means no noice, but this he specifically said a WAVE... waves tend to be more than just.. "quiet!.. oh its loud again" I get spiritual Waves a lot. Sure they aren't the same, but I do know what waves feel like. Because of this I asked him to try to detail out how the wave passed his body and what not. When you really ponder something, its amazing how simple things can end up being described in much more depth.
Other people: I dunno, I've been EXTREMELY tired before.. and I mean like over 48 hours of no sleep.. I don't recall ever getting weird feelings... (then again, I'm talking about me, and I'm Psycho