Originally posted by maynard0012
I've had cats all my life, but never a dog until the last few months. I got a female puppy from the pound; she's at least mostly a German Shepherd/labrador mix. She's not as big yet as I wanted, but I hope she'll grow more.
I'm not really feeling the best friend thing. She follows me from room to room, and whines when she's alone, etc. but she acts like a cat a lot of the time. She's selfish and rough. She bites hard and often. She chases the cats. I hope it'll get better as she gets older.
It probably will. After living with the cats for a while she will outgrow her facination with them (except for the occaisional wanting to play) and she won't chase em as often. I think it's mainly about curiousity....theres probably a little fear there too of course. My dogs always wanna chase the cats in our neighborhood....and not all of the cats are scared of them so when they get real close to em and the cat doesn't run away....they don't attack it or anything they just smell it and think "Oh....okay so thats the whole story eh?" and they walk away. Cats are different though....even when they are no longer afraid of her they'll probably still claw her when she gets near them out of annoyance. I'd recomend de-clawing them to be rid your dog of that danger but cats place big importance on their claws and should it ever have to defend itself it wouldn't be able to. My sister has a little silky terrier....she's living with her Mother In Law now and she has a cat that has been de-clawed but not because of the dog......because that cat is evil and it would claw up everything. Ol Sammy's lucky to cause that cat is a bitch and no one can approach her not even the humans. I reached down to pet her and it was like "Yeah thats nice right?" she purred and everything and about 3 strokes down she turns around like a bolt a fuckin lightning and bites the shit outta my hand. Fuckin devil cat