Originally posted by TrogDor
What kind of programs are you guys downloading made by gator? I've honestly never had a problem with it.
If you've downloaded gator or ever clicked "Yes" when you visit some site and gator asks to install; (for reference purposes we will call it a malicious website that tries to download gator) -then you can shave off a few precious milliseconds off every internet page you open... the extra time comes from Gator cheerfully recording the websites you go to.
The second malicious thing that it does -is that it attempts to remove your choices in which websites you surf for. It will do everything it can to pop open windows of it's pre-chosen crap advertising while you websurf. So say you do a websearch on "killing kittens" odds are that Gator will have popup ads offering you all sorts of online pet stores. It just is a fucking annoying waste of time.
So if you have it installed I would remove it pronto. It doesn't do anything good except sell you to someone via the Gator Corp.