So I called in sick today...
Today, for the first time in my life, I called in sick to work (nope, not sick, just didn't want to work 'till midnight on a saturday night when I stayed an extra hour closing last night without even a "Thanks for helping us out, jenn." cuz I didn't HAVE to stay) and a short time later received a NASTY voicemail from one of my managers calling me a liar (I had tried to get someone to cover my shift last night, so I could get the night off honestly). I know I shouldn't have called in sick, but the company I work for is bullshit and I am in the process of finding another one. I was planning on giving my two weeks the last time I worked, but the manager I needed to tell wasn't there. And I was pissed about last night. So basically what should I do about this. I work tomorrow, so I'm going to go in and talk to them and "see what kind of punishment should be in order" to quote my manager. I am planning on going in tomorrow and saying that if she had a problem with my calling in sick, she should have waited until the next time i worked and spoken to me face to face and she didn't handle it professionally. See, the way it works at Abercrombie and Fitch is that if they like you, you can get away with anything. A friend of mine called in sick after she couldn't get the night off to go out to dinner with her boyfriends parents, and there was nothing wrong with that. But then it's me.... and it's the end of the world. Like I said, I shouldn't have done it in the first place but I am sick of the whole company being run like it's high school all over again. I'm sorry this is so random, I'm just putting things down as they come to my head. And I know that the entire store knows about this because my managers love to gossip about employees. So, this is kind of embarassing. Anywho, let me know what I should do.
"if anal sex could get a girl pregnant i'd be tits deep in child support" Arcane