Originally posted by iamjero
I grew up right out side of New Orleans and my driveway was on Hwy 61. I dont know much about Mississippi, but if yall make it over to Louisiana New Orleans will provide you with all the blues you can handle. The Jazz and Heratige Festivle in NO is a truly wonderful experience. As far as dealing with the country folk... Some places can be just as bad, if not worse, than any ghetto Ive been to in any city. Racism is a bitch. Just go with the flow. Southern hospitality is real. Sorry I couldnt help more. Have a godo time
Thanks! We were originally planning a two week circle, going through all the best music cities. We were going to start with Memphis, shoot down to New Orleans, up over to Kansas City, and then hit Chicago on the way home. We couldn't get two weeks off from work at once though. We're both big jazz and zydeco fans too so I imagine we'll make it down to New Orleans next year.
We figured if we encountered any shit for being white, we'll just go with the flow, move on, we certaintly aren't going to try to win their favor, I think that's probably the worst approach. We'll be fine I'm sure.