Mine wasn't really a spelling error. But I started crying when after 2 days of debugging and no sleeping I finally found the "//FJD" remark in the code. (Just For Debug).
After removing couple of lines after the remark everything worked like a charm...
Originally posted by ratbastid
foreach my $key (sort {$rates->{$a} <=> $rates->{$b}} keys %$rates) {
$option_list .= '<option value="' . $ups->servicenames($key) . $rates->{$key} "\">$key - $rates->{$key}</option>\n";
A remark about the perl code:
In the "foreach" line when you use the when you use "keys" it's not necessary to write %$. The % is enough. Like this:
foreach my $key (sort {$rates->{$a} <=> $rates->{$b}} keys %rates)