TIO, As I already said I am talking out of my arse but it appears so are you. How can lasers heat things without being hot? Heat can be transfered through several methods (eg transduction, convection etc). It requires some portion of that heat to touch the object being heated. Otherwise you are just creating energy out of nothing which is physically impossible. You can only turn one form of energy into another form of energy. Light is one form of energy. It gives off heat as a byproduct of this energy or mmore accuratley the transferring of another form of energy into light energy. There has to be a reaction to every action. Heat is often a by product of energy transformation but heat in itself is a form of energy.
As for the mass of light. Light is effected by gravitational forces. Gravity bends light so you can still see light if you are behind the dark side of a planet. It might not bend enough to be percieved as bright light but the human eye only needs to have one photon of light to be percieved. How can something wiht no mass be effected by gravitational forces which by definition only effects mass?