Thanks for the interesting feedback everybody. I never looked at David Niven because that was made-for-tv as I understood, maybe I'm wrong. If I've never seen Lazenby, I sure as shit have never seen David Niven. I haven't really been a lifelong Bond fan. Its more of a recent endeavor. Its interesting to see the variety of viewpoints on the Bond list. Maybe I should have made a poll. I'm too lazy for that. Besides if it was a who's the best bond? question, I haven't heard anybody say its not Connery. Sorry Deflok for the Star Wars reference. Me and a buddy of mine whenever comparing a series of films always inevitably end up picking the "Empires Strikes Back" of the series just for fun. 
Lord, have mercy on my wicked soul
I wouldn't mistreat you baby, for my weight in gold.
-Son House, Death Letter Blues