[Nefir, I'm not an animal expert either but I would say that many predators invest a great deal in thinking from their preys point of view. The lioness will know that she can be smelt if approaching Gazelles from a certain direction, will plan a route of attack designed to isolate the vulerable young, and employ a whole range of different tactics that require an understanding and observation of the herd. The vulture has to make a judgement as to the point at which a starving human is weak and delerious enough to cease fending off their advances.
That's why I love wild cats..They are so precise. They don't just run after the first thing they see.
As bad as I feel for the younger prey, It's amazing how the predator knows to isolate the young from the rest of the herd for an easier kill.
And actually watching them run down there prey is amazing. There eyes are so mysterious...Such powerfull animals.