sex killed my career
I thought about putting this in the living forum by decided that this was the best place.
Its a story thats been brewing in me for ages that I just have to share.
In the mid 90's I was relocated by my company to do a special job... things went well until I was allocated a staff member to work for me who was a real pill.
She was lazy, very opinionated and always seemed to be going to my boss to complain about things.
Anyways I was persuaded to promote her by my boss against my best instincts.
He then got transferred to Europe and all of a sudden she started to get requests to run training sessions in Europe, I thought little of it. (Can you see where this is heading)
Performance rating time came around and I rated her honestly as being competant at her job but no star.
My own promotion turn came around and to my surprise I was passed over.... things went backwards fast for a while and it has only been in the last couple of years that things seem to have recovered, they have both left the organisation.
I felt so stupid when I found out last year that my boss and the girl had been having a long standing affair which eventually led to his marriage breakdown, how could I have missed that? Had I known I would probably have refused to work with her.
Anyway thats my story... has anyone else experienced a similar circumstance, what did you do about it?
The Grumpy Old Bloke