Originally posted by Lebell
From an older comrade,
It can be a hard hard thing to go year after year to a job you hate. It eats at you, and beats you down.
If you know what you want to do and aren't in a financial straight jacket that won't let you pursue what you really want, I would encourage you strongly to do it.
good luck.
Lebell is really telling it like it is - Sometimes it is difficult to walk off from a job and go look for another - often it gets worse before it gets better but there are always things to consider.
1. You were looking for a job when you found that one:
2. Ulcers are made out of allowing mole hills to become mountains.
Walk out - shut the door - don't look back and if the next one doesn't suit you remember that you were looking for a job when you found that one and ulcers are a sumbitch!