As some of you probably know, I recently completed my requirements for another (higher) degree. Having pocketed this piece of paper, I have been looking to improve my lot in life by getting a real nice job.

So I have been submitting my resume (in confidence) for some better opportunities.
Over the course of the last few weeks, I have applied for several positions. Two firms I applied to sent me Business Reply Mail, essentially a postcard acknowledging my application. But they have also asked me to send them demographic information for their "affirmative action programs." Essentially, the questionnaires ask two questions: one about sex and one about race.
I am a white male and am qualified for the position. So, the question is "should I send back the postcards?" On one hand, I really want to send the cards back, to show the prospective employers that I am still very much interested. I kinda feel like not sending the cards back may be viewed as someone who is less interested or not reliable.
On the other hand, I really want an interview with these firms, spent alot of time on cover letters, etc - and I am afraid that sending back the cards will decrease my chances of being able to interview for the positions.
The cards both dance around whether or not this information is pertinent. For example, one reads "The information provided will be used only in accordance with _(company name)_'s Affirmative Action Program." Whatever the hell that means. Each card is marked, printed, with the position I am applying for. I am to write in my name.
So, what should I do? I really just want the chance to interview for the positions. Should I send in the cards or not? Send in one, and not the other and see what happens?
The intention of this is not to discuss the merits/problems of affirmative action. I just want advice on a plan of action for me. Please give your reasoning below after voting.