See, this is what's wrong with schools today. You should NOT be able to get to college getting all As on essay not knowing first/second/third or past/present/future. Further, why is a college professor having to test such fundamental things as parts of speech?! At this point in your writing career you should be able to do that stuff without even trying. I'm not on you about spelling or typos. I certainly agree that this is just the internet, and I'm not going to hold you to the same standard as I would in an essay, but you lack basic knowledge that a fourth grader should possess. That is unacceptable. What is the name of this class, and the number(ie, english 203 or whatever)? Is this a four year college? And redravin, please don't edit me. I'm not trying to slight this person. I want to know how he came to this point in his life.