I kinda like it. It has Hard rockin edge to some rap beats and some decent slower songs. The cover from the who is cool.
Red Light Green Light is pretty dope to. With Snoop Dog in the mix.
I am enjoying it and playing it loud as hell.
Remind you i dont hate alot of bands. I like anything that can MOVE you.
Only thing i dispise is country. I wont give it a listen at all.
I know alot of folks trash hard on Fred Durst. But he got to where he is now somehow. Mind you i think he is a ass the way he treated alot of those guitar players coming to him looking for a band mate. He got Free IDEA's cause wes left.
Anyways. I enjoy it and will listen to it like the rest of his albums.
Also pick up the new outkast Album. ANother great mix of music.