I'm accepted, but not sure I fit in. I live 2 miles outside of my home town of 6000 people. Rural southwest Oklahoma, buckle of the bible belt. I was considered odd going to school here and am now probably considered eccentric.
I am considered to be "tainted" from living in California for a couple of years. One of them damn hippies and a biker to boot.
When I came back from the Navy in 76 I brought one of the first Japanese pick ups any one in town owned. I took a lot of flack for that pickup until the first time there was a gas shortage. Then I got offers for the damn thing. The local Chevy dealer wouldn't get me parts or work on it because he didn't sell the "damn Jap things".
Lots of farmers around here, Menonites live to the East of me. The men still wear hats and the women wear bonnets.
I don't go to church, I don't shave, all three of my girls were raised to think that they are as good as any man.
We also have the "lacquered and tanned" set. I really get on their nerves, it's a hobby. Gimme a break, lacquered and tanned hicks? Many of them have never been out of the state and are about as cosmopoliton as Granny Clampett. Some of them still wear the really big hairdos with tons of hair spray.
Sorry, kind of turned into a rant didn't it? If I lived in Oklahoma City I would probably be just another citizen.
Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you,
Jesus Christ and the American G. I.
One died for your soul, the other for your freedom