my ~/.cshrc calls a separate file ~/shellwreck (yes, bad pun) which by now has grown to over three kbytes in size.
tail -2 .cshrc
# This file is boring. let's read in an interesting one.
source ~/shellwreck
tail -2 shellwreck
#confirm reading of this file
echo Shell aliases enabled.
the external file is very nice when you add stuff at any given time...which I use things like this for...
alias vc 'vi ~/shellwreck'
alias .c 'source ~/shellwreck'
alias a alias
alias u unalias
I just about constantly hyper-optimize my workspace. most of my aliases are just one or two characters.
I started this alias file over ten years ago and have taken it with me from machine to machine...colleges, home, elsewhere...
btw...Have any of you bash users got a prompt string half as useful as "%{^[[46;30m%}%m%{^[[m%} %{^[[36;1m%}%l%{^
%{^[[30;44m%}%@%{^[[m%}%{^[[30;47m%}%h%{^[[37;40m%} " ?