Thanks for all the opinions so far. <irony>Even the ones that are wrong</irony>
You know, I wish I could make a difference and boycott every company that makes their goods in third world country through slave like labor. I wish I could only buy good and services from companies or individuals who paid a living wage to their employees. But we all know that is too extreme a stance to take if you wish to remain in modern society.
Here's some of the things I can and do do. And I am proud of them:
* Do not eat fast food period. Fast food does not pay a living wage to their workers. They buy the cheapest goods, driving out the small farmers. Only on the very rare occasion do I eat any restaraunt food actually - and then not from chain or franchise places.
* Eat 90% or so organic local produce and protein.
"It's a long story," says I, and let him up.