This hot GF will eventually become very familiar to you and may become boring. If you are not in love with your wife therer is not much point in sticking around other than to be near your kid. If you stick around and your relation ship is shitty but you stick to it it may e worse for the kid than if you did not live together. If you go with the GF and get bored after a couple years she could sue you for child support even though theey are not your kids. Something to think about. If the GF is not so bright you will probably tire of her even though the sex is good. I know I can't be in a relationship woth a chick that does not stimulate me intulectually. Think about why you and your wife got together initially and see if there is any way to rekindle the feeling you used to have for her. strange sex is good but the strangeness will soon wear off and you will be going from one relatinship to another looking for the right one. You may already have it and just not know it. Think hard before you make a final decision for your sake and your kid's.