1. NES - Dragon Warrior
2. SNES -Super Mario Cart
3. Sega - Beyond Oasis
4. N64 - Zelda-A link to the past
5. PS - Castlevania:SOTN, followed pretty close by Harvest Moon
6. PS2 - The Adventures of Cookies and Creme
7. XBOX - Never played one even, so...Sega Saturn- The Horde
8. GameCube - Metroid Prime
9. PC - too many...X-Com, QFG, The Longest Journey, Deus Ex, Moo2...
10. ColecoVision - what the well is that?
11. Atari - Vangaurd
" ' Big Mouth.
Remember it took three of you to kill me.
A god, a boy, and, last and least, a hero.' "