Originally posted by Thraeryn
Our minds are exceptional at choosing what we "should" and "shouldn't" remember. I've personally developed an ultra-selective memory about stuff. Unfortunately, it ruins my short-term memory for stuff that I NEED to remember at a set time. Only lets me remember stuff that happens incidentally. Grrr.
Uncanny. This very closely describes me. My ultra-selective memory tends to ruin my short-term memory. Thing is that I usually remember important things. I memorized two phone numbers yesterday. I called a friend, his mother answered, I asked for his cellphone #. She told it to me once, and I still have it in memory. I also had to look up his home phone number (I have an address book on my computer), I only looked at it once, and right now still have it in memory. I also tend to remember URL's, even long ones, like
http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp, which will point you to the ever-useful MSDN (for developers, mainly). Sometimes I do forget important stuff, like the fact that three days ago my friend supposedly told me twice that Saturday was going to be his birthday party. I honestly don't remember him telling me a single time. He canceled the party anyway because he decided to go work that night. Stuff like that.
And all this time I thought I was the only weirdo who intentionally did this to himself. I wasn't always like this. I decided about a year and a half ago that not everything I see is worth remembering, only things I decide are worth remembering. This has, of course, worked against me more times than once. Oh well.
EDIT: I'd also like to note that I have a friend who lives in Holland, and she sometimes teaches me a bit of Dutch when she signs on. I've learned such words as vergevingsgezind, which is Dutch slang for something similar to "cool", and goedheiligman, which is Dutch for "good night". Those are the longest examples of words she's taught me so far. If I think something is worth remembering, I will. Also have a bunch of Japanese words in my memory bank, even though I can't speak Japanese...