The Palestinians or even Arafat dont have any reasons to be angry:
United Nations "Partition Plan" to the Palestinians:
You are going to have 47% of the 100% which was originally yours.
"Oslo Agreement" to the Palestinians:
You are going to have 22% of the 100% which was originally yours.
Barak's "Generous Offer" to the Palestinians:
We are going to give you 80% of 22% of 100% of the land which was originally yours.
Sharon's "Peace Plan" to the Palestinians in 2000:
We are going to give you 42% of 80% of 22% of 100% of the land which was originally yours, and this 42% will remain under continuous curfew.
"Zionists" to the Palestinians:
According to our version of the Bible you are entitled to 0% of 42% of 80% of 22% of 100% of the land which was originally yours.
The "Road Map" to the Palestinians that Bush envisions:
• you stop your resistance to the occupation (which we call terrorism),
• your refugees give up their right of return to their ancestral homes,
• you agree to only elect officials acceptable to US and Israeli administrations,
• you agree to lock up all your resistance fighters,
• you agree to outlaw all Palestinian movements and organizations that oppose US/Israeli policies,
• you agree to drive your cars only on roads that Sharon assigns for your use,
• you do not object to the 'wall' that Sharon is building,
• you agree not to claim Jerusalem as your capital,
• you agree that your children's school curriculum only includes courses and books approved by the Israeli government,
• you agree not to give birth to more than three children per family,
• you become more tolerant to Israeli settlers who are confiscating your homes and lands because they are doing it out of the religious belief that they are fulfilling God's promise, and
• you accept Israeli policy of punishing the families of those who resist the occupation which includes demolishing their parents' homes then Sharon will remove the sanctions on your territory, improve your living conditions under Israeli occupation and he might in the far future consider negotiating with you on the 42% of 80% of 22% of 100% of the land which was originally yours.
Its horrible that theres killing going on both sides. Its a shame that it has become a place of danger. (I've been 24 times and if your into history; there's allot of fascinating things there) Its even worse to think that this wont at some point affect the entire planet from its cascade of influence.
The bottom line get the settlements of the land. ALL settlements. I hear the same thing over and over "well they've moved a few" "many were dismantled", etc. Yeah; OK. and?
The common theme comes up that Israel and America are unliked in the UN. We didnt get support to enforce the broken resolution of Iraq. Is there anyone here that is a supporter of double standards?
Resolution 106
Resolution 111
Resolution 127
Resolution 162
Resolution 171
Resolution 228
Resolution 237
Resolution 248
Resolution 250
Resolution 251
Resolution 252.
Resolution 256
Resolution 259
Resolution 262
Resolution 265
Resolution 267
Resolution 270
Resolution 271
Resolution 279
Resolution 280
Resolution 285
Resolution 298
Resolution 313
Resolution 316
Resolution 317
Resolution 332
Resolution 337
Resolution 347
Resolution 425
Resolution 427
Resolution 444
Resolution 446
Resolution 450
Resolution 452
Resolution 465
Resolution 467
Resolution 468
Resolution 469
Resolution 471
Resolution 476
Resolution 478
Resolution 484
Resolution 487
Resolution 497
Resolution 498
Resolution 501
Resolution 509
Resolution 515
Resolution 517
Resolution 518
Resolution 520
Resolution 573
Resolution 587
Resolution 592
Resolution 605
Resolution 607
Resolution 608
Resolution 636
Resolution 641
Resolution 672
Resolution 673
Resolution 681
Resolution 694
Resolution 726
Resolution 799
(imcomplete list)
(geneva convention violations also not listed)
I ask this because I dont know- THose who link the Palestinians to 911 obviously have info that I didnt read so it would be greatif you could pass it on. How many of the hijackers were Palestinian?
I was watching CNN that morning. My friend called me right after the first plane struck. I was glued to the TV for the next 2 days. 2 1/2 hours after the towers collapsed I saw footage of Palestinians dancing with joy in the sunlight passing out candy and generally happy about the attack.
If anyone saw it when I did; did you notice what so many including myself missed?
The obvious didnt dawn on me until much later because I was so angry and upset. I have since written CNN 7 times and still have yet to receive any reply.
At least the Native Americans were allowed to build casinos.
To confine our attention to terrestrial matters would be to limit the human spirit.- Stephen Hawking
Last edited by Sun Tzu; 09-13-2003 at 12:55 AM..